
Changing agent models has been temporarily disabled.

2024-10-15 00:10 (GMT+2)

Our skins webpage has been updated with the newly added skins.

2024-10-06 12:43 (GMT+2)

Server is back Online again. We hope that everything should work as expected.

2024-10-06 09:04 (GMT+2)

Rekyl Retakes
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Welcome To RekylCS

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Global Statistics

CT Icon 81438
T Icon 79190
2 818
2 818 / 2 850
Global Rating
1 533 443 / 2 000 000
Money earned
187 525 850 / 190 000 000
222 821
222 821 / 225 000
224 847
224 847 / 230 000
7 261
7 261 / 7 500
Noscope Kills
1 326
1 326 / 1 400
6 839
6 839 / 7 000
Through Smokes
8 894
8 894 / 9 000
Kills in the air
801 / 850
Flashed Kills
931 / 1,000
Assisted kills
42 105
42 105 / 43 000
Assisted Flash kills
1 916
1 916 / 2 000
Shots Fired
3 595 626
3 595 626 / 4 000 000
89 129
89 129 / 89 500
135 544
135 544 / 140 000
First Blood
89 344
89 344 / 90 000
Health Damage
31 157 883
31 157 883 / 35 000 000
Armor Damage
3 618 978
3 618 978 / 3 750 000
Bomb defuses
42 396
Bomb plants
66 872
Rounds CT
204 490
204 490 / 205 000
Rounds T
182 877
182 877 / 185 000
Rounds Won
189 188
189 188 / 190 000
Rounds Lost
176 927
176 927 / 180 000
Overall Playtime
3200h, 30m
3200h, 30m / 3600h, 00m
Playtime CT
1549h, 26m
1549h, 26m / 2160h, 00m
Playtime T
1421h, 12m
1421h, 12m / 1440h, 00m
Playtime Dead
1792h, 45m
1792h, 45m / 2160h, 00m
Playtime Alive
1258h, 06m
1258h, 06m / 1440h, 00m
Time as Spectator
269h, 27m
269h, 27m / 720h, 00m

Last Seen

Players (24h)
71 / 75
Players (1wk)
264 / 300
Players (1mo)
763 / 800
Players (6mo)
2 818
2 818 / 3 000
Players (1yr)
2 818
2 818 / 3 000
Players (alltime)
2 818
2 818 / 3 000

Activity Log